The travel f Mars英语作文

时间:2022-11-22 03:00:38 英语作文 我要投稿
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The travel f Mars英语作文

  The travel f Mars

The travel f Mars英语作文

  Last night,I had a drea abut  trip t ars.

  Thirt ears later,I bece an astrnaut , and I g t the launching f rcet factr . " Five 、fur、 three、 tw、 launching ", S I fling t the universe b the rcet . I want t g t ars , s I tell  idea t the driver ,the driver agrees with e .The Rcet have been fling ne da ,the driver spe t e: " we have arrived in f ars ".I feel ver exciting,I g ut the rcet capsule , I find ars is red , It's ver beautiful.I tae ut  caera and begin t tae a phtgraph n ars . I pic up se stnes and I will tae the as saples t g bac t earth . After seveal das I g bac t earth b rcet .

  I lie this drea !

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