
时间:2022-12-09 19:32:13 英语作文 我要投稿


  Insightful Men Voluntarily Protect American Rivers From Pollution


  James Holland calls himself the eyes and ears of the Altamaha River. The 220 kilometer river he watches is relatively undisturbed by channels, dredging or major reservoirs. Its swamps and refuges are home to dozens of rare or endangered plants and animals including some found nowhere else on earth.

  James Holland has spent a lifetime on the river as a crab fisherman, but blames the decline of fisheries, and the failure of his business, on poor water quality. Now as an advocate for the Altamaha, the 60 year old retired crabber responds to reports of erosion, loss of wetlands, and the illegal dumping of pollutants from agriculture and industry. I view it as my job to end pollution where I see it, when I see it, said James Holland

  James Holland finds garbage stashed in tree trunks and pools of diesel fuel and abandoned trucks at logging operations near the river. A recent complaint on hog waste from a processing plant in the watershed led him to take a closer look. In doing so I found the County making preparations for paving a road, he said. They were widening it and making improvements. And, in doing so they destroyed wetlands. They didnt have enough erosion control to prevent erosion. I went further on from the spray field and from the area where I could view the spray field, the guy up there was draining wetlands. I found a ditch where he was draining wetlands. I also found right there standing in one spot where he destroyed two wetlands in the last two or three years. Its just a whole hot of things. Its unreal is what it is.









