
时间:2023-09-12 07:13:33 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  one afternoon, a close friend of mine came up to me ecitedly:

  "julia, don't you know that there's a cherry tree in our school?"

  "a cherry tree? really? where?"

  cherry trees were so scarce that i had only seen them in the film "romantic cherry".

  "in i garden. hurry! let's go and see it!"

  i dropped my book and followed my friend out of the class

  as soon as i stepped into i garden, i began seeking the precious "pink" eagerly. and ho, there it was! in the distance,several pink "clouds" were floating above a small pavilion. that was it! my cherry tree!

  we quickened our steps. little by little, the gossamer like pink "clouds" grew bigger and bigger and at last seemed to occupy the blue sky when we were just standing under the cherry, on a small slope. beneath my feet, the soil was covered by fallen petals. what a wonderful eperience! stretching my arms widely, i felt as if flying in the air weightlessly in the world of pink.

  when a gentle breeze passed by, hundreds of petals parachuted down. they danced and whirled beautifully in the air and blurred my vision.the petals were so light that it took them some time to fall down onto the ground or into the pool.

  the petals lying on the ground joined their brothers and sisters to etend a pink carpet while those floating on the water were setting out on a mysterious journey.

  "i surely will be sorry when all of the petals have fallen down." my friend said woefully.

  "no. although they have left their home and have been separated from each other, they are still happy and composed and try to do their best where god place them." i said to myself,firmly and hopefully.

英语作文 篇2

  The discussion about electronic dictionaries has never stopped in the past few years. Let‘s have a look at its advantages and disadvantages before drawing the final conclusion.

  The biggest advantage of an electronic dictionary is its convenience. Whenever you meet new words or expressions, you can know the meaning quickly. What‘s more, with the development of science and technology, electronic dictionaries are becoming more and more advanced: they can pronounce the words clearly, provide sample sentences to illustrate word usage and store difficult words for special memorization. Last but by no means the least, electronic dictionaries are becoming cheaper and cheaper, and more and more students can afford them.

  However, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with, some students rely too much on the electronic dictionary—they never put their heart into learning new words and expressions. In the second place, some explanations are neither complete nor accurate, which are quite misleading. Finally, new technical inventions do not necessarily lead to progress in learning. Diligence is always the decisive factor, because "there is no royal road to learning".

  Up until now, we can see it clearly that an electronic dictionary is not beneficial or harmful in itself. The key lies in the user—so long as we can make proper use of it, it can be most helpful to us in many respects.




  第二段第三句中的illustrate表示“用图或例子来说明”;第三点中的afford表示“买得起”。第三段第一点中的rely too much on表示“过分依赖”;put one‘s heart into doing sth.表示“专心致志于某事”;第二点中的accurate表示“精确的”,misleading表示“使人误解的”;第三点第二句中的decisive factor表示“决定因素”。

英语作文 篇3

  Today is Saturday. Two of my classmates and I go to the bookshop. It's the biggest one in my city. There are plenty of books. We go to the cartoon-book zone. And then we stay there for a long time. We find our favorite books and read them there. It's very quiet in the bookshop. I like it very much. Reading at bookshop or libriary is very enjoyable. Finally, we buy some books we like and then we go home together.


英语作文 篇4

  the Olympics was onece so far away from my life ,that as a senior one student here in China, I've never been involved with anything about Olympics. But next time, things will be different.

  the 20xx Olympics will be held in Beijing. Though it's still a few year from now, I still feel the enthusiasm of our Chinese people. Last time I wandered in the streets and saw a crowd of people buying something in big amounts. I was so curious that I went up and had a closer look. they were fighting to buy the new mascots for the 20xx Olmpics. the mascots were made in different sizes and styles, but they all come from the original features of "Fuwa"(the lucky kids). From then on , I realised how close the international and historical game is to me!

  As a high school student, I'd be a freshman in college during the Olympics in Beijing. How I wish I could be a volunteer, and really devote myself into it!

  Time flies, and two years is just a blink of an eye. Tomorrow, I'll be a pround Chinese, who is able to be proud of his own to have a memory of the glorious game.

英语作文 篇5

  1. 审题不清


  2. 拼写错误


  3. 名词单复数问题

  误:My father and my mother is all teacher.

  正:My father and my mother are both teachers.

  4. 缺少动词

  在汉语中没有动词的'句子是允许的,但英语中每个完整的句子都必须有动词来构成,如:"我累了。"这个句子没有动词作谓语,而用形容词,但英语形容词不能作谓语,一定要写成:I'm tired.

  误:I happy I can come to Beijing Zoo.

  正:I am happy I can come to Beijing Zoo.

  误:The apples cheap. I'll take some.

  正:The apples are cheap. I'll take some.

  5. 缺少介词、冠词等


  误:Because heavy rain we can't hold the sports meeting.

  正:Because of the heavy rain we can't hold the sports meeting.

  6. 代词的误用


  误:I mother and I went to the shop to buy a present for I father.

  正:My mother and I went to the shop to buy a present for my father.

  7. 句子不完整


  误:Many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into college. For example, my friend in high school.


  正:Many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into college, for example, my friend in high school.

  8. 前后不一致


  误:When one have knowledge, he can do what he want to do.

  (one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have应改为has ;同理,want应改为wants。本句是典型的主谓不一致。

  正:When one has knowledge , he can do what he wants to do.

  9. 时态、人称和数的搭配错误


  误:When I get to the station the train leave.

  正:When I got to the station the train had left.

  10. 综合性错误



英语作文 篇6

  My favourite season

  My favourite season is summer. I often wear my shorts and T-shirt. Sometimes I wear my jeans. In summer it is often sunny and hot. Sometimes rainy in summer. I usually swim with my father. Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home.

  My Chinses Teacher

  I have a Chinses Teacher. Her name is Lui Xiaohong. She is from Lanchang. She’s very active and strict. She has two big eyes. She’s very nice.But she is short. She like to smile. I don’t know what season she like. Because I don’t know her very well. Her class is very funny, I like it.

  Do you like me

  Hello! Everyone. I’m a little rabbit. My name is Hanhan. Look! I’m very lovely. My eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrots very much. I have a good friend. She’s my little master. Her name is Zhou Xun. We always play games together. I like her very much and she likes me, too.

英语作文 篇7

  the world population is growing very fast. more food, clothing, houses are needed. agriculture and industry, therefore, have to develop very quickly。unfortunately; modem farming and industry are making the air, the soil, and the water dirty, which we called pollution.

  pollution is a serious danger to human lives. for eample; throughout the world air pollution is serious in all cities. it is said that every year factories pour millions of tons of smoke into the air, and, air pollution has taken the lives of many people.

  scientists are now fighting a battle against pollution. so far, it has been successful. of course, the battle cannot be won unless every one of us understands the danger of pollution and does something to stop it.

英语作文 篇8

  The following appeared in an announcement issued by the publisher of The Mercury, a weekly newspaper. Since a competing lower-priced newspaper, The Bugle, was started five years ago, The Mercurys circulation has declined by 10,000 readers. The best way to get more people to read The Mercury is to reduce its price below that of The Bugle, at least until circulation increases to former levels. The increased circulation of The Mercury will attract more businesses to buy advertising space in the paper。 Discuss how well reasoned . . . Etc。

  The announcement concludes that the best option for increasing Mercurys circulation to former levels is to lower its price below that of its competitor, The Bugle. This conclusion is based on the fact that since The Bugle was introduced, circulation has declined substantially. This argument is not convincing as the author has made some questionable assumptions that may or may not be true, given the data provided. Firstly, the factors as to why the circulation has declined are unknown, this may not have been related to the introduction of the Bugle at a lower price. Furthermore price is not the only factor taken into consideration by readers when deciding which paper to buy. Finally, the goal of the Mercury is to attract more business to buy advertising space and increased circulation is not necessarily the best way to achieve this goal。

英语作文 篇9


  America is the largest economy in the world, followed closely by China.

  描述如今全球经济现状,就是下滑低迷状态,距离复苏还有好几年时间。The world economy is in recession and it will last some years before it can recover.

  中国经济的快速发展,为社会积累大量财富,也为国家赚取大量的外汇(foreign exchange),这些都非常有利于一个国家的发展,和人民生活水平的`提高。

  The vigorous economy in China helps to accumulate a great deal of social fortune, and earns large amount of foreign exchange, which will facilitate the rise of people’s living standards and the development of a whole country. (which在此处引导非限制性定语从句,代前面整个句子,很多学生定语从句中限制性从句用的很熟,但是对于非限制性的却很陌生)


  China has accelerated its development at 8% per year, in recent quarters, however, the pace has been slowed down, which indicates China has shifted it top priority from pursuing development speed to sound growth.


  If the economy develops soundly, more job opportunities will be created; if not, unemployment rate will rise. And the unemployed population accumulated annually will trigger a chaos eventually.

  GDP每下降一个点, 社会就失去800万个就业岗位. 这个后果是像中国这样人口大国难以承受的.

  As the GDP decreased by 1 percentage, we will lose 8 million jobs, which cannot be easily afforded by a country like China with such a large population.











