
时间:2024-04-12 13:41:06 赛赛 中考英语 我要投稿
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  中考英语形容词和副词例题答案解析 1

  [误] My father will be back from America at present.

  [正] My father will be back from America presently.

  [析] presently有两个意思:其一是最近,不久,其二在美语中是现在之意,与at present相同。而for the present为暂时,如: I teach English in the school for the present.

  [误] Ill be back at the moment.

  [正] Ill be back in a moment.

  [析] at the moment 其意为"现在,当时",而in a moment意为"马上过一会",与in a minute意思相近。

  [误] The train from Shanghai will arrive here in time.

  [正] The train from Shanghai will arrive here on time.

  [析] on time为"准时",而in time有两个含意。其一是"及时",如:The doctor arrived in time。其二是"将来,终究"。

  [误] I met an old friend sometimes last month.

  [正] I met an old friend sometime last month.

  [析] Sometime 过去,或者将来某时。 Sometimes 有时

  如: Sometimes I go to school by bus.Some time 一些时间

  如: I need sometime to do my homework. Some times 几次

  如: I went to Shanghai sometimes this month.

  at times 有时,偶尔?

  at all times 经常?

  some other time 改天

  [误] I had met an old friend three days ago.

  [正] I had met an old friend three days before.

  [正] I met an old friend three days ago.

  ago 用在时间状语中时,主句中谓语动词一般用过去时,而before用于时间状语时则主句的谓语动词宜用完成时态。

  [误] He studied very hard. and at the end he passed the exam.

  [正] He studied very hard, and in the end he passed the exam.

  [析] in the end=at last 意为"最终,终于",表达经过若干努力而达到的'结果。而at the end是在某事的结束时如何如何,如:At the end of class, the teacher gave us some story books。

  [误] I will come here to help you each three days.

  [正] I will come here to help you every three days.

  [析] every three days 为"每三天",即每隔二天,而every other day为每隔一天。

  [误] He didnt go to the cinema yesterday. and I didnt go, too.

  [正] He didnt go to the cinema yesterday and I didnt go either.

  [析] 英语中表示"也",有4个字,also, as well, too, either,但either用于否定句中,而前3个用于肯定句中。在肯定句中too与as well一般要用在句尾,而also则可用于句中。如:She went to the party and her boy friend went there too. 又如: Ive also read her other novels.

  [误] We should help the poor girl in anyway.

  [正] We should help the poor girl in any way.

  [析] anyway为"不管怎么"讲,"无论如何",如:What a terrible accident, anyway no one was hurt.

  any way 为"任何方式"。这种常见的错误还发生在以下几组词中,如:

  everyday 日常的 every day 每天

  faraway 遥远的 far away 远离

  altogether 总计 all together 一块,大家一起

  already 已经 all ready 全准备好了

  中考英语形容词和副词例题答案解析 2

  1、The twins are together most of the time. So they never feel _ .A. alone B. lonely C. happily D. friendly

  [答案] B.

  [析] alone意为"独自的,一个人的`",它只能作表语不能作定语。I am not alone in doing such a thing.而lonely 意为"寂寞的,孤单的",如:The old man felt lonely. 要体会两个词的区别,如:The old man lived alone, but he didnt feel lonely.

  2、What a ___ cough! You seem ___ ill.

  A. terrible, terribly B. terribly, terrible?

  C. terrible, terrible D. terribly, terribly

  [答案] A.

  [析] terrible是形容词,而terribly是副词,第一个空是修饰名词的,所以应填入形容词。第二个空ill是形容词,这里terribly 是用来修饰ill的。

  3、The two friends were ___ pleased to see each other that they forgot everything. ?A. so B. too C. very D. much

  [答案] A.

  [析] 这里用的是so…that的固定搭配。

  4、Which is ___ , Li Leis box or Han Meimeis box??

  A. heavy B. heavier C. more heavier D. the heaviest

  [答案] B.

  [析] 两者之间用比较级,三者或以上用最高级。

  5、You dont like the same colours and I dont like them, ___ ?

  A. too B. also C. either D. neither

  [答案] C.

  [析] 在否定句中也应用either,而不要用too,因too用于肯定句中。

  中考英语形容词和副词例题答案解析 3

  1、Which subject do you like ___ , English Chinese or maths??

  A. best B. well C. better D. good

  [答案] A.

  [析] 在两者之间应用比较级,而在三者之间或三者以上用最高级。

  2、None of the students watched it ___ .?

  A. careful enough B. enough carefully

  C. carefully enough D. enough careful

  [答案] C.

  [析] 首先应判定是选用用来修饰名词的形容词还是用来修饰动词的副词。这里是修饰watch这一动词,应选用副词。当enough用来修饰副词或形容词时应放于被修饰的形容词或副词之后。

  3、___ she eats, ___ shell be.?

  A. More…fat B. The more…fatter?

  C. More…the fatter D. The more…the fatter

  [答案] D.

  [析] the+比较级表示"越来越……"本句应译为:她吃得越多,她就会越胖。

  4、I dont think English is ___ Chinese.?

  A. as important as B. not important as?

  C. not so important D. important as

  [答案] A.

  [析] think+宾语从句时,应采用否定主句的形式,如:中文讲,"我认为你不对",英文应为:"我不认为你对"。 I dont think you are right. 所以不能选答案B。而C、D均为不正确的'表达法。

  5、Miss Gao is a good English teacher. The students in her class ___ English.?A. are interested in B. are interesting in?

  C. are interested at D. are interesting to

  [答案] A.

  [析] 过去分词常用来修饰人,而现在分词常用来修饰物,如:an interesting book, 实际上过去分词含有被动之意,如:interested 其含意是"被……所吸引,感动"。而interesting 则为"使人感兴趣的",如:an interesting man 一个有趣、风趣的人。









