
时间:2022-12-09 19:21:44 英语演讲 我要投稿
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  篇一:英语演讲 outline 


  Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to start blogging.

  Central Idea: Blogging would benefits you a lot and you should start a blog.


  1. Have you ever felt upset for having few friendsHave you had the thought that you could not think in depthHave you had the difficulty to stick to a plan

  2. If your answer is “yes”, the best solution to these annoying problems is to start blogging!

  3. Being a blogger for over six years, today I would show you why we should start a blog, the benefits of blogging, and also some tips for you to keep being a good blogger.

  (Transition: As college students, most of you maybe have never thought about these problems.)


  1. You are very likely to encounter the following situations.

  a) After your graduation, you may find it is quite hard to meet new friends.

  b) Sometimes you may be wrapped up in some difficult problems which disrupt your logic.

  2. The best method to avoid being caught in these situations is blogging.a) Blogging can offer your great opportunities to meet someone sharing the same interests with you.

  1) It eliminates the limitation of distance.

  2) It saves your time of finding friends and makes self-introduction again and again.

  b) Writing can propel your proceeding of thinking, and blogs offer you a place to write down your thoughts freely.

  1) Without writing them down, you are very likely to forget your good points quickly.

  2) You can check whether you understand an issue or not by writing them down and explaining to others.

  c) Keeping blogging can motivate you thinking and writing continuously.

  3. How to start a blog and keep blogging

  a) You should find a fixed time for writing your blogs.

  b) You should avoid writing nonsense articles.


  1. By and large, blogging would benefits you a lot and you should start a blog.

  2. If you begin blogging someday, you could leave the URL of your blog to me and I will be your sincere reader!

  篇二:演讲课 Outline 改稿

  Name: Zhang Yiqing

  Topic: Lonely Planet

  Purpose: To inform

  Specific purpose: To inform my audience about chief factors in Lonely Planet’s success.

  Central idea: With professional attitude and independent spirit, Lonely Planet became the best known travel guidebook publisher in the world.



  Enjoy the journey with a skilled guide would be an amazing experience. And Lonely Planet is such an ideal tour guide. Nowadays, it has become the most popular guidebook publisher; one in five guidebooks bought globally is from Lonely Planet. How can two travelers make a homemade guidebook become a world-famous brand

  Thesis: Professional attitude and independent spirit are chief factors in Lonely Planet’s success.

  Preview: In 40 years, Tony and Maureen Wheeler successfully keep at professional attitude and independent spirit. They made Lonely Planet the most popular travel guidebooks in the world.

  I. Professional attitude

  A. Frist-hand approach

  1. Commission authors to conduct a complete research

  2. Explore new destinations and provide both detailed information and

  rarely-known facts

  3. The importance of research—take the creation of Indonesia 10th Edition

  for example

  B. Impartial opinion

  1. Hiring professional writers and journalists.

  2. Keeping editorial independence: never compromise for commercial


  Transition: Professional attitude is only the basis. The factor made Lonely Planet the Bible for backpackers is its independent spirit.

  II. Independent spirit

  A. A sense of adventure

  1. Their first trip crossing the Asia

  2. Encourage travelers to take adventure.

  B. Commitment to spread independent spirit

  1. Explore new places

  2. Providing useful information

  a) Original maps

  b) Special designed walking routes and cycling routes.


  Review: With professional attitude and independent spirit, Lonely Planet became the Bible for backpackers.

  For years, the company was run under this philosophy: “All you’ve got to do is decide to go and the hardest part is over. So go!”

  Hope you could enjoy an impressive journey with Lonely Planet.


  “The Lonely Planet Story”, Lonely Planet Website, May. 2011. 18. Apr. 2014.

  Nic Fildes, “BBC gives Lonely Planet guides a home in first major acquisition”, The Independent, 02. Oct. 2007. 16. Apr. 2014.

  Ryan Ver Berkmoes, Stuart Butler, Celeste Brash, John Noble, Iain Stewart, Adam

  Skolnick, Paul Stiles and Brett Atkinson. Indonesia, Australia: Lonely Planet Publishing, 2013. Tony Wheeler and Maureen Wheeler, Once while Travelling: the Lonely Planet Story,

  Australia: Crimson Publishing, 2008.

  Tony Wheeler and Maureen Wheeler, “Responsible Travel: Loved to death”, Lonely

  Planet Website. Sep. 2012. 18. Apr. 2014.


  Topic:Landscape Painting:Classical Works In The Song Dynasty.

  General purpose:To inform.

  Specific Purpose:To inform my audience of classical works of landscape painting in the Songdynasty.

  Central idea: In my view, Song dynasty’s landscape painting can be classified into three periods,in which periods there were at least one distinguished painter.

  Three main ideas

  1.The first period is realism.

  2. The age of emperor Song Huizong was seen as the second period of Song dynasty painting,which was known as the imperial court painting.

  3. The last period of Song landscape painting was developed from the south China, created by painters like Ma Yuan and Xia Gui.


  Ⅰ.There was once an old man refined six essentials in painting: The first is spirit, the second rhythm, the third thought, the fourth scenery, the fifth brush, and the sixth respect to nature, which led Chinese painting to a new era----landscape painting.

  Ⅱ.Generally speaking, Tang dynasty witnessed the advent of landscape painting while it reached the peak during Song dynasty.

  Ⅲ.Therefore, we set the landscape painting in Song dynasty the classical ideal of China.

  Preview statement

  In my Body

  Ⅰ.The first period is realism.

  Ⅱ. The age of emperor Song Huizong was seen as the second period of Song dynasty painting,which was known as the imperial court painting.

  A.One of the most well-known painters of this period was Zhang Zeduan.

  B.One of the most well-known works of this period was Riverside Scene at Qingming


  1.There are many things in the picture.

  2.There are two main sections in the picture.

  3.There is the most noticeable difference between this period and the previous one.

  Ⅲ. The last period of Song landscape painting was developed from the south China, created by painters like Ma Yuan and Xia Gui.


  Ⅰ.Though it is too small to observe the precise details, he made it as clear as he can.

  Ⅱ.In my view, Song dynasty’s landscape painting can be classified into three periods, in which periods there were at least one distinguished painter.









