
时间:2018-06-28 18:19:43 文章 我要投稿


  Anyone who lives alone and manifests no longing to be in a relationship is in our times almost automatically viewed as pitiable.Moreover, they think that it is simply not possible to be at once alone and normal.This set us up for collective catastrophe,because it means that a huge number of people who have no wish to live with anyone else.Even worse,they are under press and pressure, then they are shamed into conjugal life(婚姻生活).No doubt that they are with disastrous results for all involved. Only once singlehood has completely equal prestige with its alternative can we ensure that people will be free in their choices.And hence,they can join couples for the right reasons because they love another person ,rather than because they are terrified of remaining single.在这个时代,不想恋爱的独居人士总被人默默视为可怜而有问题的人,人们认为单身绝对不可能是正常人。这使得一大拨人难以幸免,因为有很多人打心底不想和别人在一起。然而,很大一部分的单身人士却迫于压力,满怀愧疚地发展恋爱关系甚至进入婚姻殿堂。最终双方都落得伤痕累累。只有人们像重视婚姻一样重视单身生活时才能保证人们拥有自由的选择权,以合理的原因投入一段感情,也就是“爱”而不是人们害怕单身。

  Here, are a few of the many good reasons to spend your life alone.以下就是保持单身的好处:

  1.Romantic love is a dangerous illusion.浪漫爱情只是泡沫。

  We should recognize that romantic love,the idea of being deeply enamored with one special partner over a whole lifetime is a very new, ambitious and really pretty odd concept.From close-up ,over periods of time ,almost everyone is condemned to be pretty dispiriting and difficult.A good romantic marriage is evidently theoretically possible.It may also be extremely unlikely in practice.,which should make any failure feel a good deal less shameful.我们应该认识到:浪漫爱情也就是深爱着自己的那个人会矢志不渝,只是一个过分自信又奇怪的新生概念。时间一长,经过仔细的观察,就会发现每个人都难以相处,令人失望。显然,浪漫婚姻在理论上可行,但却难以在实际生活中实现。因此,恋情失败也就情有可原了。

  2.No one thinks their partner is terrific after a while.相处久了之后,会渐渐发现另一半并不完美。

  Those among us who chose to stay single shouldn’t be thought unromantic.Indeed ,we may be among the very most romantic of all, because it is in the end the fervent romantics who should be especially careful of ending up in boring relationships.选择单身的人并非缺乏浪漫细胞,事实上,我们也可能非常浪漫。因为到最后,只有最浪漫的人才需提防自己和对方变得无趣。

  3.We aren’t sane enough to be in relationships.面对感情,我们还不够理智。

  Though it is a sign of some maturity to know how to love and live alongside someone, it is actually a sign of even greater to recognize that this is something that one isn’t in the end gotta be psychologically really capable of,as a good portion of us simply aren’t.In that cases, we retire ourselves voluntarily ,in order to save others from the terrible consequences ,or it is called bad ending.学会去爱固然是成熟的体现,但是意识到一段感情远超自己的心理承受能力更能体现成熟,因为有些人的确承受不来。在这种情况下,我们主动选择退出,使他人和自己免受伤害。这可能是一种伟大和善良的体现吧。

  4.Being alone means not inflicting yourself on others.单身意味着不让别人遭罪。

  However, being alone means not inflicting ourselves on others.It spares us from constant reminders of how difficult and strange we are!No one is there to hold a mirror up-record your antics and constantly make you accountable for them. If you ‘re lucky, you will be able to tolerate and even like yourself if you are on your own.单身后,你就不会老想着自己多么奇葩而不近人情。没人会举着镜子,追踪你的一举一动,对你的所作所为指指点点。独自一人时,你能忍受自己、喜欢自己。









