The Fountain英文诗歌

时间:2022-12-02 09:44:16 英文诗歌 我要投稿

The Fountain英文诗歌


The Fountain英文诗歌

  Into the sunshine,阳光下,

  Full of the light,充满着光辉,

  Leaping and flashing 跳跃着、闪烁着

  From morn till night!从日出到日落!


  Into the moonlight,月光下,

  Whiter than snow,比雪更白,

  Waving so flower-like 当风吹拂时,

  When the winds blow!波动有如花!


  Into the starlight,月光下,

  Rushing in spray,急溅起泡沫,

  Happy at midnight,午夜里欢乐,

  Happy by day.白天里雀跃。


  Ever in motion,永远跳动着,

  Blithesome and cheery,愉快又欢欣,

  Still climbing heavenward,永远向天高攀,

  Never aweary;从不疲惫;


  Glad of all weathers,适应各种天气,

  Still seeming best,永远活力充沛,

  Upward of downward 上上下下

  Motion thy rest;是运动也是休息;


  Full of a nature 充满着活力

  Nothing can tame,不受拘束,

  Changed every moment 时时有变化,

  Ever the same.永远一样。


  Ceaseless aspiring,不断升高

  Ceaseless content,不断满足

  Darkness or sunshine 黑暗里,阳光下

  Thy element;都是你活动范围;


  Glorious fountain!辉煌耀目的喷泉!

  Let my heart be 但愿我心如你般

  Fresh, changeful, constant,清新,多变,坚定

  Upward like thee!永远向上!

  by James R. Lowell, 1819-1891

《The Fountain英文诗歌.doc》

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The Fountain英文诗歌


The Fountain英文诗歌

  Into the sunshine,阳光下,

  Full of the light,充满着光辉,

  Leaping and flashing 跳跃着、闪烁着

  From morn till night!从日出到日落!


  Into the moonlight,月光下,

  Whiter than snow,比雪更白,

  Waving so flower-like 当风吹拂时,

  When the winds blow!波动有如花!


  Into the starlight,月光下,

  Rushing in spray,急溅起泡沫,

  Happy at midnight,午夜里欢乐,

  Happy by day.白天里雀跃。


  Ever in motion,永远跳动着,

  Blithesome and cheery,愉快又欢欣,

  Still climbing heavenward,永远向天高攀,

  Never aweary;从不疲惫;


  Glad of all weathers,适应各种天气,

  Still seeming best,永远活力充沛,

  Upward of downward 上上下下

  Motion thy rest;是运动也是休息;


  Full of a nature 充满着活力

  Nothing can tame,不受拘束,

  Changed every moment 时时有变化,

  Ever the same.永远一样。


  Ceaseless aspiring,不断升高

  Ceaseless content,不断满足

  Darkness or sunshine 黑暗里,阳光下

  Thy element;都是你活动范围;


  Glorious fountain!辉煌耀目的喷泉!

  Let my heart be 但愿我心如你般

  Fresh, changeful, constant,清新,多变,坚定

  Upward like thee!永远向上!

  by James R. Lowell, 1819-1891