
时间:2022-12-09 11:32:11 爱情美文 我要投稿
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  “WHERE words fail, music speaks.” Though these words, from the pen of Hans Christian Andersen, are an appealing notion, the idea that there might be universals in music which transcend cultural boundaries has generally been met with scepticism by scholars working in the field. That scepticism may, however, be unwarranted, for research published in Current Biology this week by Samuel Mehr and Manvir Singh of Harvard University provides evidence that music does indeed permit the communication of simple ideas between people even when they have no language in common.


  “当言语无效之际,音乐为你发声。”尽管这引入入胜的观念出自安徒生笔下,认为音乐全球相通、能跨越文化界限的看法却普遍遭到这一领域的学者质疑。然而质疑声或许毫无根据:由哈佛大学Samuel Mehr和Manvir Singh发表在本周《当代生物学》的研究证明,音乐的确可以让人们交流简单的想法,即便他们并没有共同语言。

  To ascertain this, the two researchers recruited 750 online volunteers from 60 countries. They played these volunteers 36 musical excerpts, each 14 seconds long, and each drawn at random from one of 118 songs in a collection of the music of small-scale societies around the world. Given the broad range of cultures and languages represented in the collection, and the ethnic diversity of the volunteers, Dr Mehr and Mr Singh could be reasonably certain that those listening were both unfamiliar with the music and unable to understand the lyrics in question.


  After each excerpt had been played, volunteers were asked what they thought the song’s function was, and how sure they were of that on a scale of one to six. The possibilities offered were: “for dancing”; “for soothing a baby”; “for healing illness”; “for expressing love for another”; “for mourning the dead”; and “for telling a story”. The first four of these were real functions, as stated by the people from whom the song in question had been collected. The last two were made up, and were included as foils.


  Dr Mehr and Mr Singh found that volunteers’ perceptions of a song’s function were generally in good agreement with its actual function—with one exception. Dance songs were particularly easy to identify. They rated 2.18 points higher on the certainty scale as being used “for dancing” than lullabies did; 1.38 points higher than love songs; and 1.09 points higher than healing songs. Similarly, lullabies were rated 1.53 points higher than dance songs as being “to soothe a baby”, 1.42 points higher than healing songs and 1.19 points higher than love songs.


  Healing songs proved a bit more troublesome. They scored only 0.47 and 0.31 points higher than dance and love songs respectively for “to heal illness”, and were statistically indistinguishable from lullabies. The outlier, though, was love songs. Listeners could distinguish them from healing songs, but not from lullabies or dance songs.


  Why love songs were hard to identify is unclear. Because such songs involve showing off to the object of one’s affections, they may require more creativity, and thus generate more variety than lullabies or dance songs. Perhaps the fact that both dancing and cooing are involved in romance confused listeners. This genre aside, however, Andersen was clearly onto something.










