
时间:2022-12-08 05:05:02 课后答案 我要投稿



  Quiz for Unit 1


  I. Spell the following words with the help of their definitions and the first letters given. (10 points)

  1、e_____ n. a usu. Short piece of writing on a particular subject by a student, esp. as a part of a course of study

  2、o_____ v. to hide from view; to make it difficult to see or understand

  3、s_____ v. to look at or to consider (a person, place, or condition) as a whole; to examine

  4、l_____ adj. very bad, unpleasant, useless

  5、r_____ v. talk about past experiences, esp. with pleasure

  参考答案:1. essay 2. obscure 3. survey 4. lousy 5. reminisce

  II. Complete the following sentences with the words given below, change the form where necessary. (10 points)

  permanentconquer     confident    convince     surround

  1、Those players who are not _____ at all will have few chances to succeed.

  2、To _____ the difficulties in study, you must work hard and try to find a better way of studying.

  3、We should _____ him of the approaching danger, otherwise he will be really in danger.

  4、It’s a ______ job, not a part-time one.

  5、This is a beautiful campus, and the dormitories and teaching buildings are all ______ with trees and grass.

  参考答案:1. confident?   2. conquer   3. convince   4. permanent   5. surrounded

  III. Fill in the following blanks with correct adverbs or prepositions. (10 points)

  1、The children filed _____the theater quietly, as the play had already begun.

  2、It’s so cold that I feel _____ sneezing.

  3、We should feel proud and self-assured when we look back _____ the days we have passed in college.

  4、He was a naughty boy when he was little, but now, he has come _____understand that he should do something good to other people.

  5、Sometimes we need to scream _____ the top of our lungs to relax ourselves.


  1. into. 孩子们安静的走进剧院,剧已经上映。file into鱼贯而入;根据从句的提示,这里应是 into而不是out of。

  2. like. 天气很冷以致我想打喷嚏。feel like doing想要,like为介词.

  3. on/upon.当我们回顾大学生活时,应感到骄傲和自信。back on/upon…回忆,回顾。此为固定搭配。

  4.to. 他小时候是一个淘气的.孩子,但现在已逐渐明白应做一些对他人有好处的事。come to do逐渐开始。

  5. at.有时我们大声呼喊以放松自己 at the top of one’s lungs为固定搭配,表示“大声地”;at the top of sth.在……上面。

  IV. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (10 points)

  1. How can you convince him_____ the death of his wife, since he was with her a few minutes ago?

  A. of                      B. on                   C. in                 D. from

  2. It is easy for a horse to _____ at the sound of guns.

  A. frighten           B. surprise          C. horrify            D. panic

  3. The experiment involves _____ on some mice.

  A. to operating        B. operating        C. to be operating       D. in operating

  4. After the bell rang, the teacher began to pass _____ papers to the anxiously waiting students.

  A. away           B. out           C. through            D. by

  5. The train _____ arrive at 5 pm was late for six hours.

  A. due to            B. have to             C. suppose to             D. owing to


  1. A. 你如何能使他相信妻子的死讯,几分钟前他们还在一起。本题考固定搭配convince sb. of sth.使某人相信某事。

  2. D. frighten, horrify, surprise均为及物动词, 在此不合要求。Frighten是吃惊,害怕,horrify使恐怖,使惊骇,surprise使吃惊,惊讶,panic vi.受惊,惊慌。

  3. B. 这个实验要给几个老鼠做手术。Involve 为及物动词,后接名词性的词语,不接不定式。

  4. B. 铃响后,老师将试卷发给焦急等待着试卷的学生

  Pass away去世,pass out 分发,pass through 经过,穿过,经历;pass by 经过,掠过。

  5. A. 应5点钟到的火车晚了6个小时

  Due为形容词,表示“预期的,应到的”;owing to 表示“由于,因为”。此处应填入定语;have to 和suppose to 在这里不符合句子结构要求。

  V. Read the following passages and give the best answer to each question with the information you have got from the passage. (20 points)

  Passage 1

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  I should like to have you consider my application for the position of accountant that you advertised in the April 26th issue of the Times.

  I am a graduate of the Oriental School of Commerce with seven years accounting experience in two responsible positions. The details of my education and experience are given on the enclosed sheet.

  While my experience has been largely in manufacturing, I have had a great desire to get into the employ of trading company because of the wider field of work and the greater opportunity for broadening one’s knowledge of how business is done.

  After three years’ experience with the Yokohama Steel Company, I took a position with Douglass & Elliot. During the four years that I have been with this firm, I have gained a good knowledge of manufacturing accounting and have been promoted several times.

  May I have an interview at your convenience to substantiate these statements and to answer your questions?

  Very truly yours


  1. According to the passage, which of the following is true_____?

  A. The Times will employ an accountant.

  B. John has seven years’ accounting experience.

  C. John worked in Yokohama for four years.

  D. John studied in the Orient School of Commerce for six years.

  2. Paragraph three implies that _____.

  A. John plans to do business some day

  B. John doesn’t hope to be only a good accountant

  C. John has a good knowledge of how business is done

  D. John is interested in manufacturing

  3. The purpose of writing Paragraph four is to show that _____.

  A. John is a good accountant

  B. John plans to do business some day

  C. John is a top student in the Orient School of Commerce

  D. John has worked for some famous companies

  4. The word “substantiate” means______.

  A.verify? B. justify? C. impress D. elaborate

  5. Which of the following best describes the passage as whole?

  A. It is an application letter.

  B. It is an order letter.

  C. It is a sales letter.

  D. It is a public relations letter.

  参考答案:1. B    2.B    3.A     4.A    5.A









