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Tree: Welcome, my children.
Trelawney: In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover of you possess the sight. Hello, I am professor Trelawney. Together we shall cast into the future. This term, we’ll focus on Tassomancy, the art of reading tea leavas. So, please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you. The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds. First, you must look beyond.
Hermione: What a load of rubbish.
Harry: Where did you come from?
Hermione: me, I’ve been here all this time.
Trelawney: You, boy…Is your grandmother quite well?
Boy: I think so.
Trelawney: I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Give me the cup. Pity. Broaden your minds. You aura is pulsing, dear. Are you in the beyond? I think you are.
Ron: Sure.
Trelawney: Look at the cup. Tell me what you see.
Ron: Yeah! Harry’s got sort of a wonky cross. That’s trials and suffering. And that there could be the sun and that’s happiness. So…you’re gonna suffer, but you’re gonna be happy about it.
Trelawney: Give me the cup. Oh, my dear, boy. My dear. You have the Grim.