跟《歌手》学英文:林忆莲 Run
《歌手》第3期竞演,可谓硝烟四起,不仅7位首发歌手都卯足了劲儿,节目还首次迎来双补位踢馆。参加竞演的9位歌手里,有3位歌手选择演绎英文歌曲,他们分别是:林忆莲,杜丽莎,迪玛希。其中,前2位歌手排名非常靠后,这不禁让小编想起刘家昌老师在回忆录里的一段话,“歌唱是自然的,发自心灵的,感情的。歌声,如何比赛?”炫技,还是归真?你如何看待呢?下面就让我们跟随《歌手》,来学习一下3首英文歌中的第1首,由林忆莲唯美“莲式唱腔”演绎的苏格兰另类摇滚乐队Snow Patrol(雪地巡游队)的热门单曲《Run》。
林忆莲 Run
林忆莲(Sandy Lam)作为首个出场的歌手,将这首感人泪下的《Run》演绎得细腻动人。开头舒缓低沉,娓娓道来;中部蓄势待发,层层递进;结尾高潮碰撞,情感爆发。柔和的灯光打在裙摆,给人一种岁月静好的感觉。
【关于Snow Patrol】
Snow Patrol are a Northern Irish/Scottish rock band founded at the University of Dundee in 1993.
Initially an indie rock band, the group rose to prominence in the early-mid 2000s as part of the post-Britpop movement.
During the course of their career, Snow Patrol have won seven Meteor Ireland Music Awards and have been nominated for six Brit Awards.
Since the release of Final Straw, the band have sold over 13 million albums worldwide.
"Run" is a song by Northern Irish/Scottish alternative rock band Snow Patrol from their third studio album, Final Straw (2003). Snow Patrol's frontman, Gary Lightbody,
the idea of writing "Run" in 2000.
In an interview with Michael Odell, from Q Magazine, Lightbody explained the song was not written about "being a child", as he tended to say.
He described: "I was on a massive bender and one night I was drinking in the bar of the Glasgow School of Art.
在接受《Q Magazine》麦克·奥德尔的采访时,莱特博迪解释说,这首歌并不是想要讲述一个“年少轻狂”的故事。
I fell down a full flight of stairs.
Jonny Quinn found me in the stairwell with blood coming out of my head ... I split my head open and my eye was closed and I lost a few teeth ...
I wrote Run soon after on this little guitar I'd tried to smash up in my shitty little room near Hillhead."
事后不久,我就用这把小吉他写下了《逃》这首歌 — 之前住在临近希尔黑德(苏格兰最大城市格拉斯哥的一个区)的陋室里时,我还恨不得把这把吉他摔得粉身碎骨呢。”
In an interview with Daily Mail in 2009, Lightbody added: "We had nothing. I was in a flat in Glasgow. No doubt it was raining. The song was me writing about an imagined world, projecting myself into better times."
2009年接受《每日邮报》的采访时,莱特博迪对这首歌做了进一步的解释:“那时我们穷的叮当响。我住在格拉斯哥的一幢公寓里,当时大雨倾盆。这首歌写的是我想象中的世界 — 我将自己设身于一个恰逢其时的年代。”
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